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To have or not to have, that is the question here!

Yes, that's right - this is about recruiting! A few years ago the situation for IT companies looked quite different, the job market has now turned 180 degrees and the industry is desperately looking for employees with specific technical qualifications.

So we are also constantly looking for new employees, because our customers are waiting in the wings with their projects, and as a reliable partner we are in demand and can place our employees in these projects. Green light for new customers, growth and projects with existing customers, but the reality is our capacities are fully utilized and the labor market gives nothing. Job ads with low yield, expensive offers from headhunters we know enough. So we reach for technical literature, read blogs, make sure we're doing everything right, get lost in overly nasal literature and forget that we need to act much more comprehensively.

"It is not enough to know, one must also apply; it is not enough to want, one must also do."

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

What does this mean for us?

In order to proactively combat a staff shortage in the company, it makes sense to accommodate employees with flexible agreements. 08/15 solutions are not called for here, but rather customized models that can be changed over the years and are not set in stone. Through an open-door policy and the art of listening, one can pick up where the other stands.

An active strategy to prevent staff shortages is to build rope teams with partners. These cushion acute shortages perfectly.

A good strategy for us is to train our consultants ourselves. After or shortly before graduation, our recruits complete an internal training program. Our internal buddy program has proven to be very successful and has many advantages. The buddy recognizes talent or gaps and can respond to them flexibly. The cost for a recent graduate is low, and the internal training guarantees optimal performance with the customer.

Another strategy is: The best source for new employees are our employees themselves. A natural pre-selection is guaranteed, because it goes without saying that only fellow students or ex-work colleagues who are perceived as reliable, competent or loyal are put forward for the company.

In the past, one piece of wisdom has proven true time and again: You see each other twice. Employees who have left the company at their own request not infrequently come back. Here, social networks help to keep in touch and not to lose sight of each other. The prerequisite is a good farewell, because this also enables a clean re-entry into the company.

Our conclusion: We take the search for our consultants into our own hands, create the conditions for it and consistently focus on employee retention.


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